Featured Advertising


The rate for our front / index page is:


$75 for 1 Month, $175 for 3 Months, $300 for 6 Months … If you wish to pay in UD$




£50 for 1 Month, £125 for 3 Months, £200 for 6 Months … If you wish to pay in UK£




€60 for 1 Month, €130 for 3 Months, €230 for 6 Months … If you wish to pay in EUROS



Your featured advert will be seen every time the front / index page loads.

The rate is the same for Independent Escort and Escort Agencies.

To book your Front Page Featured Advert or to get further information on how to pay email us at:




Banner Advertising


The rate for a banner 245x50px on our front / index page is:


$150 for 1 Month, $350 for 3 Months, $600 for 6 Months … If you wish to pay in UD$




£100 for 1 Month, £250 for 3 Months, £400 for 6 Months … If you wish to pay in UK£




€115 for 1 Month, €240 for 3 Months, €460 for 6 Months … If you wish to pay in EUROS



Your banner will be seen every time the front / index page loads and it will also be seen in the city / country you do business from.

To book your banner space or to get further information on how to pay email us at: